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Unicorn Obession

Decorative element

I have a unicorn obsession that has gotten out of hand. It started back in 2015 when I bought a brass unicorn at an antique shop in Kentucky. The antique shop was attached to a restaurant called "Swamp Water Grill."

The name is the opposite of appetizing but the brunch was amazing, so, no shade.

I don't know what the popularity of unicorns was at that time or before that because I wasn't paying attention. But it seems that since then it's unicorns, unicorns, unicorns!

I ain't complaining.

I know I'm an editor who does real and professional work (shut up! Yes, I do!) but I love the bright colors and the silliness. It's nice a break from the news cycle.

So enjoy these Amazon affiliate links to unicorns. (If you don't see the pictures you may need to turn off ad blocker.)


This book with the classic Little Golden Book art...just...let me die now. When I was a wee bairn my fave book was The Pokey Little Puppy. Now? Well, it's Harry Potter now but I'd totally add this book to my personal collection.


At this point I actually have several stuffed unicorns. BUT NOT THIS ONE!

I have a unicorn from Target's PillowFort brand named Esmeralda. And I have a unicorn named Gigi. She's a giant Fingerling and she's honestly slightly terrifying and creepy but I love her and sleep with her every night.

This little fellow would fit in with the gang!


A million years ago I used to make and sell greeting cards on etsy. They were a bit tongue and cheek and were fairly popular. One card I made had a unicorn on the front and when you opened it, it said 'Unicorns fart rainbows.' This was well before my unicorn obsession.

But here you get to buy actual unicorn farts! Okay, it's just cotton candy but I love the branding!


I'm judging a book by its cover. It's a whole-ass middle grade novel that I'm so ready to read. I love middle grade books. Pip Bartlet's Guide to Magical Creatures being one!



Duct take with unicorns and rainbows? I'm going to have the most magical jury rigged bumper!


How many times have I read 'Goodnight Moon' to my kids?

Actually, not as much as I would have liked. Those little turds aren't fan of books. They're sixteen and twelve now so bedtime stories isn't gonna be happening but I'd read this to myself.


I actually have this one! I used it on the phone previous to the one I have now and I loved it.

The only issue is when I took pictures with the flash on it reflected off the white case edge around the lens and light creating a weird lighting effect. It was actually cool for some photos but if I needed the flash I'd just pull the case off.

I also got a ton of compliments from random strangers on it. Which is always fun :)




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