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My Mind Is Bursting At The Seams. Save Me!

A lightbulb with a brain inside.

Hey, Y'all!

My mind is burning up with guilt that I still haven't finished the second part of When Is The Best Time to Get An Editor.

This is no joke. It's been two months since I posted part one and I feel like a failure every time I think about the fact that I haven't finished it yet!

And the thing's ALMOST done...Lawd help me with my blog neglect guilt!

Are you looking for a beta? Would you consider being a beta in return? Check out the Beta Reader Roulette. I know how hard it is to find beta readers and there's all kinds of writerly anxiety that goes into that process. BRR is designed to ease some of the pain.

Other things on the horizon meant to help authors:

I'm considering a proofreading program similar to the Beta Reader Roulette, where authors exchange manuscripts for proofreading. It wouldn't replace the recommended professional proofreading but it cleans it up a bit more.

Do you want a beta reader but don't want to read someone else's manuscript? Or, do you want to be a beta reader but don't have (or want) a manuscript to read? I'm working out details for a program that would allow for this. Email me if this is something you'd have interest in. Right now I'm just gathering information and research.


Are you in need of a book cover? Check out the available selection here. All covers will be $20 until February 1, 2019


Find me on twitter @Polar_Bear_Edit


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